Event1 (Terrorism in Paris)
Terrorism happened in Paris on November 13th. About 130 people were killed by ISIL in a gun attack. This case reported in Japan. Fortunetately, there were no Japanese in stade de France. (Stade de France is stadium, and attacked by ISIL) I felt scared. I will go to study abroad in UK. So I should be careful. However, my exchange school (UClan) built in rural, so I am relieve. By the way, Japanese media reported when happened terrorism in Paris, but Japanese media did not reported on a large scale when happened terrorism in Shiria. What difference is there among Paris and Syria? My opinion have two. At first, it is rare case that happened terrorism in an advanced nation. Japan is an advanced nation. So, maybe people thought. If I embroil in the terrorism by ISIL in Japan, or If I stay in Paris at that time and so on. Next, a develop country happened terrorism many times. This compose said ''a develop country'' equal Syria, also the middle east area. I felt that terrorism happened in the middle east many times. It is not rare. So, I think people feel that if you go to middle east area, maybe embroil in the terrorism, or it is none of matter. In conclusion, mind of people are equal I think. So, it is wrong that reported a lot or few by country or area. Japanese media must not reported only advanced nation embroil in the terrorism a lot. It should report much as same about develop country's terrorism.
Event2 (Icc)
I have a most favorite class. The class is inter cultural communication class. The class's teacher is Aya Matsushima. She is a good teacher I think. This class is very difficult, however it is fun. Because, I must think about would not never think, and there is not correct answer. Recently, I learn about jender ans sex on this class. The problem is very difficult than the contents of the before class. Also, I knew a lot of things about jender and sex for the first time. They have a lot of kind of thinking. For example, almost people think that people exist 2 kind of people. One of the people are heterosexuality, other people are homosexuality. I think so too before take a this class. However, this thinking is mistake. Other think exist. For example, X jender. This is not male or female. They are so-called asexual or androgynous. I did not know that. Apart from that, heterosexual, homosexual and xjender can have been broken down. For example, female to male, male to female, transsexual, trancejender, trancevestite, closs dresser, gay, and lesbian and so on. Jender and sex's problem are complicated. However, I want to study this problem more and more. It is very profound. Also, teacher introduce about a book. This book title is 「toudai de uenochizuko ni kenka wo manabu」 This book written by yoko haruka. Chizuko Ueno is feminist, and a professor. Yoko haruka is her's student in Tokyo university, This book is written the students' ( yuko haruka ) eye level a think. It is interesting for me. So, I want to read book about ICC more and more.
(528 words)
Hi Saki -
返信削除I really enjoy talking with Matsushima Sensei about those topics, too. It's great exercise for our brains!!!
Your score for this diary homework is 10/10 minus 1 point for being late, so 9/10